Haproxy custom acl whitelist and Specific IP Allow
ACL-Name-1 host matches: host1.example.com
Allow-Alias Sourc
e IP matches Ip or Alias: 111.222.333.444
In the above we have two ACLs: host1 and adminIPs, for the adminIPs you can reference a pfsense alias instead of hard coding an IP if you need it to apply to more than one IP.
Backend 설정
Actions : acl names: ACL-Name-1 Allow-Alias
Use Backend: Backend Name Object
Condition acl names 을 넣을때 각각의 ACL 리스트 구분에 쉼표나 세미콜론이 아닌 한칸 띠어서 입력하면 위 ACL 두가지를 충족해야만 접속이 가능하게 됩니다.